Logo ~ Wisdom CircleFinally. The elixir. Geez. I’m starting a wisdom circle. So excited. I thank my cousin Angela Andrews for asking me, “Don’t you have a masters degree in spirituality?” (humblebrag) “Why don’t you use it?” Well, me scared. I’m only three-years-old. Whatever. Thank you Kevin Aschenbrenner for helping me hatch my plan. And then to my brand new friend Jane Sanguinetti for renting me her gorgeous Moss Beach yoga studio for the six-week pilot program. The wisdom circle is almost filled for the first night. Yippee!!   I’m just feelin’ so gosh-darn grateful for having the courage to step into my own power.  But here’s the best part of the wisdom circle, I’m not the leader, simply the facilitator. The purpose is to inspire and be inspired. One by one we’ll contribute to the group’s collective wisdom and discover a deeper, more authentic way of communicating. As we learn from one another, we’ll recognize the power of a larger community to discuss big ideas in a safe space set up for listening and speaking. This wisdom circle feels like it’s so California. And I have to laugh and say, well, I wrote the book on California. Thanks everyone, for all your love and support along the way. Me happy.

Want a huge dose of testosterone and adrenalin?  Listen to Gary Vaynerchuk’s passion-filled Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape presentation.  Note: lots of adult language, some of it vulgar and offensive, and that’s what makes it so gut-level good.  This guy’s on fire!  Just don’t ask him what wine goes with fish, he might just slug you in the face.  A special thanks to Joe Hines at A-Cubed Marketing for sharing this life-affirming speech.